Product Development with Distributive Scale

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"Our approach to innovation is to combine artful engineering with fearlessness and unabashed quixotism."

Areas of Expertise

The things we are great at and the things we favorite to do.

  • link


    Leveraging Distributed Ledgers and Smart Contracts to create trust (or reduce distrust).

  • device_hub

    API Development

    APIs drive the world and everything we do.

  • devices_other

    Platform Development

    Developing a Product from beginning to end is a magical, magical thing.

  • settings_remote

    Internet of Things

    Leveraging small smart devices and simple tags to solve BIG and COMPLEX problems.

  • storage

    Data Analytics

    Integrating large data sets to separate the Signal from the Noise.

  • cloud_queue


    Building for global scale requires a global operations approach on Day One.

  • Linxens dLoc secured with Factom Blockchain

    Combining the power of IoT with the immutability and security of Blockchain to maintain Supply Chain integrity around the world.

    Learn moreEU Patent
  • iPhones Thumbnail
  • iPhone Thumbnail
  • mSTAX Secured Development Platform

    A Military Grade Mobile, IoT and API Cloud Development Platform for the United States Defense Health Agency and U.S. Department of Defense.

    • cloud


      Secure Hybrid Cloud Deployments in AWS, GovCloud and private Data Centers

    • phone_iphone


      Healthcare and Mission Critical data at your fingertips

    • settings_input_hdmi


      Leverage existing infrastructure to create new service offerings

    • fingerprint


      NSA Hardware and Software Authentication for all devices... made simple

    • developer_board


      Toolboxes that allow for rapid development while meeting NSA guidelines

    • device_hub


      Simple API Management and Data Service Orchestration

    • storage

      Big Data

      Hadoop Data Ingestion for Medical Research and Military Readiness

    • link


      Secure Health Registry data sharing without data centralization

Some of our Clients & Partners

  • Factom
  • Linxens
  • Levelwing
  • CSA Engineering
  • US Department of Veteran's Affairs
  • US Defense Health Agency
  • Warner Bros.
  • Swisscom
  • Space and Naval Warfare Systems
  • SpinVi

Reach out. Connect. Let's work together.